Tuesday 15 September 2009

SEACRET Buffing Block

Here is a review on the Seacret Buffing Block. Buffing is gentle surface abrasion or kinda polishing your nails using grit (rough granules, as of sand or stone). Each side, abrasion level descends! Remember, too much of buffing results in thinning of nails. So, this is not recommendable on a daily basis.

The buffing block looks bit chunky like a giant eraser, but plastic kind (not sure of the material). The cutest thing is instructions given on the block.........oh I love it.....very handy and convenient for ameteurs! The block has different textures like emery, medium grit, fine-grained grit and finally, the smooth surface for the glossy look. Here goes the buffing:

Nail File: This is nothing but a basic emery board. Personally, I do not like this as it is too harsh on nails. For the beginners, it is awful and like "OMG! What have I done to my nails!" But, trust me, you will know what buffing does to your nails in the later stages. Some people use this only to file their nails, but I use it on the nail bed too (once in a while).

Buffer: All buffers include a two-step approach, which I recommend not to skip. At this stage, the surface becomes even and your nail starts shining! The shine, particularly in the first step is deceptive. Your nails might look healthy, but wait for more to come......

Final stage: This literally gives that gleaming shine, which lasts only for a couple of days. I simply cant stop buffing my nails at this last step. The consequence is really tempting ...... your nails look like they have a transparent nail polish on them.....whatelse do we need? I prefer buffed nails to polished ones!

USAGE: Try using the block in one direction instead of back and forth, which can damage the natural healthy look of nails.

P.S: Pictures in the next post.

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